GLOVER — On September 10, the public will have the opportunity to learn how a farm in Glover has found success growing organic dry beans and grains for both human consumption and animal feed.
Seth and Jeannette Johnson, owners of Morningstar Meadows Farm, will describe their operation, including what they have learned and the challenges they have faced in eight years of growing beans and small grains in northern Vermont.
They will also discuss their Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Partnership grant with the University of Vermont (UVM) Extension Northwest Crops and Soils Program, sponsor of this field day, which has helped them research the best practices for organic heirloom dry bean production in the Northeast.
The field day, which runs from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., will give farmers an opportunity to view on-farm bean research trials and learn about bean diseases and pests as well as dry bean harvest and processing.
They also will hear from the Johnsons and UVM researchers about scouting for bean disease and pests, optimum planting dates and seeding rates, among related topics.
Reservations for the free event, which includes a pizza lunch, will be accepted until Sept. 8.
Farmers may register online at:, contact Susan Brouillette by e-mail at, or by phone at (802) 524-6501, ext. 432, or (800) 639-2130 (toll-free in Vermont only).
Requests for a disability-related accommodation must be made by Sept. 1.