
Laura Dolgin, Chris Shaffer, and Charlotte Brynn join Kingdom Games

2 mins read
Top left to right: Charlotte Brynn, Laura Dolgin, and Chris Shaffer will be joining Kingdom Games for their 2015 season.
Top left to right: Charlotte Brynn, Laura Dolgin, and Chris Shaffer will be joining Kingdom Games for their 2015 season.

NEWPORT — Kingdom Games announced on Monday that Charlotte Brynn, of Stowe, Laura Dolgin, of Derby, and Chris Shaffer, of Newport, have joined Kingdom Games as Assistant Directors and as shareholders.

Brynn will help with July’s Kingdom Swim, the nine-day, eight-lake, Swim the Kingdom Week in August, In Search of Memphre, the 25 mile international swim the length of Lake Memphremagog, as well as other NEKOWSA swims.

Dolgin will help with the five day Tour de Kingdom in June and September as well as other biking events.

Shaffer will help with running events, including the Dandelion Run, the Harry Corrow Freedom Run, and Kingdom Marathon.

Phil White, Director of Kingdom Games, says they all bring energy, enthusiasm, competence, and a sense of joy to endurance athletics, and all share the vision that the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont and the Eastern Townships of Quebec should be a Mecca for running, biking, swimming, triathlon, kayaking, and skating.

Dolgin has served as Superior Court Clerk for Orleans County and as a Selectboard member of the Town of Derby for many years. She currently works with the Vermont Courts in Montpelier, and is an avid cyclist who has enthusiastically participated in the growing Tour de Kingdom for many years. She has also volunteered as a kayaker for our swims since 2009 when we started them.

“I was very pleased when Phil asked me to join this next phase of the Games,” Dolgin said. “I love the feel of these events and the camaraderie that develops among the athletes. They are great for our community in so many ways, giving high level opportunities to locals and attracting people from all over the country and the world.”

Shaffer, who lives in Newport and teaches science at North Country Union High School, has volunteered and ran in the Dandelion Run just about every year since it started in 2009. He organizes the Newport City Triathlon, and is the Falcon’s Cross Country coach, inspiring and leading his team to impressive achievements in Vermont and New England.

“I am excited to be in such accomplished company,” Shaffer said. “I’m especially looking forward to recruiting area youth to run, bike, and swim at these games. There are a lot of youth friendly options. I’ve seen some of my high school students learn the love of the run at The Dandy when they were younger.”

Brynn is a New Zealander who lives in Stowe. She is the Executive Director of the Swimming Hole in Stowe and founder and leader of the fast growing Stowe Distance Swimmers. She has been a participant in Kingdom Swim since it started in 2009, and was the winner of the Willoughby Swim in 2010. In 2011, she was one of four to complete In Search of Memphre, a 25 mile international swim between Newport and Magog. Since then she has gone on to complete the swim around Manhattan Island (MIMS) and across the Catalina Channel.

“I’m Thrilled to join the Kingdom Games. I’m excited to add my passion for swimming and down under sense of adventure to the mix”

The three will join Kristian Pearson, of Derby, Peter and Geneve Channell of Stanstead, Quebec, and Faith Landry, of Irasburg, along with Hayley Joseph and well over a hundred battle hardened and enthusiastic volunteers who helped make the 2014 games so successful.

Kingdom Games has already drawn thousands of registrants from 36 different states, five Canadian provinces, Great Britain, Ireland, India, Australia, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

For more information contact:

Phil White, [email protected], 802-249-9100
Charlotte Brynn, [email protected], 802-760-7065
Laura Dolgin [email protected]; 802 673-5071
Chris Shaffer, [email protected]; 802 505 8995

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