[VIDEO] Pickleball craze invades Derby Line this summer - Newport Dispatch

[VIDEO] Pickleball craze invades Derby Line this summer

1 min read

Newport Dispatch stopped by Baxter Park in Derby Line to talk with Al Loukes of Derby, and find out more about pickleball. Please watch the video above.

DERBY LINE — If you drove past Baxter Park in Derby Line this summer, you may have noticed that the tennis courts are often packed with a group of people playing something other than tennis. You my have wondered what that new racquet sport going on in Derby Line is all about.

Well, it’s actually an old sport that is experiencing a revival, and it’s called pickleball.

Think badminton, combined with tennis and ping-pong, and you’ll get the idea.

The ball, a Wiffle ball, is served underhand from behind the baseline, diagonally to the opponent’s service zone. Points are scored by the serving side only and occur when the opponent faults, very similar to tennis.

The first side scoring 11 points and leading by at least two points wins.

Al Loukes, of Derby, is responsible for promoting the sport locally. The village trustees in Derby Line approved his request to paint pickleball lines within the existing tennis lines at Baxter Park. Derby has also recently agreed to paint pickleball lines within the tennis courts.

Loukes is always looking to share the sport with others. Contact him at 802-334-5475. The group usually plays Monday and Wednesday morning.

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