Newport Area Community Orchestra kicks back into gear with fall rehearsals - Newport Dispatch

Newport Area Community Orchestra kicks back into gear with fall rehearsals

1 min read


NEWPORT — The Newport Area Community Orchestra is ready to begin their fall rehearsals, starting Tuesday, August 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the First Universalist Parish on Main Street in Derby Line.

The orchestra will begin preparing the music for their fall concert which will take place November 1, 2014 at the Goodrich Memorial Library in Newport.

The concert will include the following music:

Concerto for Harp by Handel (Abigail Stockman, soloist)
Concertino for Horns and Orchestra by Witt (Marc Semprebon, Ros Semprebon, and Anna Shelow, soloists)
Nocture for Cello and Orchestra by Tchaikovsky (Thurmond Knight, soloist)
Haydn Symphony No. 100.

This concert will feature the largest orchestra since the orchestra’s inception in February 2011. They will have around 34 members for the concert.

Music Director Ken Michelli, is reminding everyone that anyone is welcome to join in.

If interested, contact them through their webpage at: or call 802-766-3021

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