Da Birder Briefs by Paul Lake

1 min read

This Dispatch sent in from Paul Lake. Lake, aka Da Bird Man, is a native of Chicago. Don’t let his “dees, dems, and doos,” fool you. He might talk–and write–like he’s got the Windy City blowing through his ears–even though he’s been living in Vermont for more than six years–but in the world of bird watching literature, he’s da Hemingway of his generation. Follow Lake on Twitter @daddyoooooo

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Well folks it’s a great time for us backyard birders. It’s not only mud season, it’s migratory bird time.

As we all know, mud is da glue that holds the robin’s nest together…remember to empty out your shredders near some likely home building location, preferably by some bushes or trees. It’s kinda like having a home depot–oops–Pick-n-Shovel across da street.

Where ya gonna go for materials if you are a migratory bird coming back up north for the sole purpose of making babies? To da nearest, closest joint…da last thing you want to do is make umpteenth trips to the twig store for supplies….does anybody ever make only one trip to the hardware lumber store only once?

I look out my window and see I have plenty of mud, a ton of black sunflower seed shells–what do you do with dat stuff?

Well keep lookin’ for that red red robin to come bop bop boppin’ along…..I’m still waiting ….happy garden birding!

Da Bird Man

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