
Westport officer arrests man for OUI, weapon charges

1 min read

WESTPORT — A traffic stop led to the arrest of a North Carolina man early Wednesday morning when a Westport police officer suspected the driver of operating under the influence and discovered a loaded firearm in the vehicle.

At approximately 2 a.m., Officer Ryan Williams pulled over a red Subaru WRX after noticing it swerve across the road and follow another vehicle too closely.

The driver, identified as Ian Ruml of Newport, NC, exhibited behavior that led Williams to believe he was impaired by alcohol.

Sergeant Jarrod Levesque arrived to assist and upon further investigation, a firearm holster was spotted in the rear passenger area of the Subaru.

Ruml stated that he did not have a gun on his person; however, during an inventory of the vehicle, officers found a black Glock 9mm handgun with a high capacity magazine loaded with 15 rounds, along with additional ammunition.

Ruml was taken into custody and is facing multiple charges including second offense OUI liquor, carrying a loaded firearm while OUI, possession of a high capacity firearm without a license, possession of a high capacity feeding device, possession of ammunition, and related motor vehicle violations.

Ruml is scheduled to be arraigned in court, where he will respond to the allegations.

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